Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): What, Why, Pros, Cons

As increasing the speed of the internet, the expectations of the people about serving pages quickly also increasing.

In today’s date, almost all bloggers want to make their website fast. And which is actually right because Google don’t promote any slow website.

Actually the reason behind this is Google don’t want to disappoint it’s users by providing slow websites or low quality content.

Lots of bloggers uses plugins in their websites to boost the speed.

AMP is also one of the type of Technology which every blogger want to implement on their blogs or websites in order to boost loading speed.

Hey there, this is Dheeraj Patidar, presenting a new article on What is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).

Keep reading this articles till the end because in this post you will get to know some interesting things about Mobile Accelerated Pages.

What is Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)?

Mobile accelerated pages or AMP is the open-source project developed in order to improve websites loading speed for mobile & tablet devices.

AMP works by making copies of your web pages, and store them into the Google Server, to make serving process fast as possible.

This technology is beneficial for mobile users because rather then delivering all stuff AMP technology serves only the most useful content and images to the user so websites take less loading time.

Initially the page of the AMP website appears in the SERPs, followed by the AMP symbol. However, the AMP icon has been dropped by Google recently, and many experts say that AMP is almost dead.

What is the goal of AMP project?

The main goal of AMP is to provide a better experience to the user by delivering content fast as possible.

Google always try to serve high speed website to it’s users. Infact speed is a ranking factor.

The main goal of AMP project is to increase the page speed.

How does Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) work?

Across the past 4 years, AMP was very popular amongst bloggers, because it actually increase the speed of website and help to improve search ranking.

Let’s understand how accelerated mobile pages work with the few steps:

1) Content published by you

First of all you create a quality blog post and publish it to your server.

2) Google Crawling & Indexing

After post punishment Google crawler crawl your website and index it to its server.

Crawling is the process of discovering new page across the internet. However indexing is the process of storing crowed page into server.

3) Making AMP Copies

If you install AMP plug-in your website, then Google make the simple structured copy of your the web pages and store them to its Server.

Now whenever any person search query on google, It will show your web copy in search engine result pages from its own server.

Now you think that What amazing here is?

Actually If your site has no AMP plug-in then google server the web page from your website server. otherwise if plug in is installed then google serve the page form its own server.

This is the little difference between AMP and non-amp sites.

Pros & Cons of AMP

Pros of AMP

1) The First and most import benefit of AMP that we have discussed already is Increment in site speed. The Google server your site pages from its database, so no matter What is the Speed of your Hosting.

2) AMP plug-in increase your search ranking.

3) AMP Plug-in make page easy structured in order to fast Crawling & Indexing.

4) It provide better user experience.

Cons of AMP

1) The first and most important lose of using AMP is Minimum ad serving. Because Google make simple structured copy of your web pages by excluding Extra elements.

2) In some cases AMP plug-in doesn’t allow us to use other plug-ins, code snippets, and more.

3) The site is not severed from the website server.

4) You are particularly enable to update web pages. As I have told you before that AMP websites are severed from google server that means whatever the changes you will made, will only be applied to your server. In some cases google takes long time to update AMP pages of your site.

5) If any user will share your page to any platform, actually your page won’t share, because Google already have made the copy of your website so that the Links of your website pages also be replaced by google server link. The overall authority of your website will not affect by sharing your posts.

6) Ultimately it is hard to implement if you don’t have WordPress.

7) Less control over the content and design of on website.

8) AMP reduce ad revenue

9) Limited social sharing

10) Limited analytics Control

Why google recommend to use AMP Plug-in?

Have you think ever why Google recommend all the users to use AMP plugin.

Actually Google get lots of benefits if all the bloggers uses AMP plug-in in their blogs.

Google take two most profitable advantages behind the AMP project:

1) Fast Serving Speed

As we have already discussed that Google serve AMP website pages from its own database, so the serving speed is very fast as compared to normal hosting plans.

This thing make user experience of Google more better and Google is able to increase more and more users.

Ultimately Google don’t want to disappoint it’s user with any of the negative serving factor.

The more users it will gain, more profit it can generate.

2) Serving pages in low cost

If google serve pages from websites’ severs then It is costly process for the google.

Google have to apply many of the resources to serve any non-amp website because it take data from individual website server.

Now In the case of AMP site, Google generate amp copies of website pages and store it into it’s own server. So that it can quickly show pages to SERPs with low cost.

Best Practices of AMP

Are you still thinking about implementing AMP on your website? In some cases using AMP plugins Make sense.

Following are the practices of AMP:

Make sure that you are website compulsorily need AMP: Usually some of the bloggers install amp plugin even there website speed is better. It is not a good practice. Only use AMP plugin if your website hosting is too much slow.

Use A/B testing before AMP installation: In A/B testing you can see what will be the overall result of installing AMP plugin.

Only implement AMP with Latest exclusive posts: If you have any news blog then in that case you should apply AMP because news are not exist in long time.

Read all documentation of AMP plugin before installation: It is the best practice to read documentation of any of the plugin before installation.

People Also Ask about AMPs

What AMP stands for?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages.

Are AMP pages dead?

As per the Google announcement of June 2021 it can be considered that AMP pages dead. Google will no longer be giving preference to AMP websites and won’t display an AMP badge.

Is AMP still needed?

No, because usually all hosting provide better site speed. In most of the cases AMP isn’t work. so that google doesn’t give preference to AMP sites.

Do I need AMP for Google News?

Not compulsory, but news blogs required instant traffic and it can be possible through AMP boosting.

How does AMP work?

AMP create simple parallel copy of your web pages by removing extra element like external JavaScript, charts, videos, and animations, and storing a version of the page on Google’s servers.

Are AMP pages good for SEO?

AMP pages are all about Increasing Site speed Only. They don’t affect all other aspects of SEO. AMP should not be considered as an SEO best practice.

What are the issues with AMP? 

There are some issues with AMP like Reduce ad revenue, Traffic decrement, and make it harder to get analytics data.

How do I get AMP on my website? 

If you use WordPress then install AMP plug-in. Otherwise go through google support. They will share you solution to work with AMP on other platforms like blogger, and self developed website

Accelerated Mobile Pages Conclusion

Rather than focusing on AMP, you should focus on website structure & quality content and make sure your website is mobile friendly.

Most of the bloggers still try to increase traffic using AMP plug-in but they didn’t get any good result. But the google always focus on the content & structure of the website.

To increase the speed of the website you can do some technical things like deleting cache memory of server, rechecking each of plug-in, don’t install to much plug-in stuff, etc.

If you don’t have programming skills then take help of any experienced person to optimise site codes.

In this post we have discussed about various prospects of AMPs like:

  • What is Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)?
  • What is the goal of AMP project?
  • How does Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) work?
  • Pros & Cons of AMP
  • Why google recommend to use AMP Plug-in?
  • Best Practices of AMP
  • People Also Ask about AMPs

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